At Taqwa Grand Mosque in Mataram provided sign language translators to assist deaf Muslims willing to take part in the recitation activities. Abdullah, a member of the Jamaah Tabligh, said five experienced sign language translators available at the masjid.
"These five translators have experiences in sign language. Actually there is one more translator, but not experienced," he was quoted by Antara news agency as saying in Mataram recently.
Meanwhile, Hariri, a sign language translator, stated that since 2013, the deaf congregation community has been regularly attending da'wah in Mataram. "Among the deaf worshipers there are bachelors, teachers in Special Schools (SLB), and also graphic designer," he said.
Hariri explained, there were 70 deaf disabled people in Lombok island who had participated in the tabligh congregation da'wah program. However, the people who regularly attended the event every Friday night were just around 30 people.
Most of them were members of the Movement for Deafness Welfare (Gertakin) in Mataram region. He said, disabilities people needed the attentions of all parties to help them to get jobs.
"Alhamdulillah, da'wah can be a means of interacting with the outside world for the deaf community," he said.
Azmi, a member of the Deaf community who regularly participated in the activity, is a teacher at the State Special School (SLBN) of Praya.
"I regularly take part in this recitation, even inviting students to take part in the activities," he said. (Masdar)
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