A group of students grouped under the Serang City Care Alliance (Apek) which consists of such student elements as the Indonesian Muslim Student Movement (PMII) Executive Student Boards of Banten High Institute of Islamic Studies and Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) protested against the construction of Carrefour store in Ciceri.
The protesters were of view that Serang major Bunyamin was not pro-small traders. The protesters considered the officials approving the hypermarket were the same as killing the small traders' stalls located around campus.<>
Action coordinator, Kurnia said that since the major came into office, there had been striking change in Serang City. The change was, however, several hundreds of meters from the Major's office.
"We can see many street traders displaying their merchandise in Ciceri," said Kurnia as delivering as oration in front of Serang's administration office on Thursday (7/5).
He further explained, the Carrefour construction should be through in-depth study in dealing with the impacts to small-medium enterprises, education, environment, social, culture and people living in Serang City and its surroundings. (zen)
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