Gus Yahya opens Turats Nusantara Exhibition in Balikpapan
Ahad, 30 Januari 2022 | 21:13 WIB
Balikpapan, NU Online
General Chairman of the Executive Boardof Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) officially opened the Turats Nusantara Exhibition and NU Travel Chronicle at The Dome, Balikpapan Sport and Convention Center, Sepinggan, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Sunday (30/1/2022).
Gus Yahya's presence was greeted with prayers and the song Yalal Wathan accompanied by the beat of a tambourine. This is part of a series of events for the PBNU Inauguration for the 2022-2027 period and the NU's 96th Anniversary.
This exhibition was organized by Nahdlatut Turats, a new organization founded by activists and researchers of Turats Nusantara. The exhibition itself carries two themes which are interrelated and more sustainable. First, the Turats Exhibition with the theme Turots, Inspiration of the Archipelago for the world and Afterlife, which displays the wealth of written works and achievements of Nusantara scholars from the 17th to the 20th centuries.
The exhibition also features profiles of Nusantara scholars and their various works, such as Sultanah Safiatuddin, Sheikh Yusuf Makassar, Sheikh Arsyad Al-Banjari, Sheikh Khotib Sambas, Sheikh Khotib Minangkabau, Sheikh Mahfudz Termas, Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi Banten, and Sheikhona Muhammad Kholil Bangkalan. Several manuscripts of old books were also exhibited here.
Meanwhile, the NU Travel Chronicle Exhibition took the theme "Towards a Century, a Chronicle of the Journey of Nahdlatul Ulama".
This exhibition displays the fragments of Nahdlatul Ulama since its establishment until now. Various information is displayed, such as photos of the founders of NU; supreme leaders (rais aam) and general chairmen from time to time; the relationship between NU, the State, and Pancasila; to NU and world diplomacy, especially NU's struggle for Palestine.
In addition, the infographic also features NU's special journey back to the 1926 Khittah; NU congress from time to time; chronicles of the NU women's movement; to special fragments regarding NU and Kalimantan. This exhibition also displays rare documents regarding NU.
Reportedly, the PBNU management for the 2022-2027 period will be inaugurated in the same place on Monday (31/1/2022), on the NU's 96th Anniversary. President Joko Widodo and Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin will reportedly attend the historic event.
Reporter: Syakir NF
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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