Kendi Setiawan
Jakarta, NU Online
Revealing the names of the chairmen of the Lampung Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU) since the Indonesian government formed Lampung Province in 1964, is not difficult. However, how NU entered Lampung in the first place became a challenge which was then chosen to write the History and Growth of NU in Lampung.
The author of the book Ila Fadilasari revealed this during a discussion and book review held by NU Online, Friday (7/1/2022).
"How did NU come from where it was founded on the island of Java, namely Surabaya, not Jakarta, where the transportation was still difficult, what was the process, this is slowly being explored and became my basis for directing the team to meet with those (who knew more about the NU history in Lampung)," said Ila, who is also the head of the Taklif wan Nasr Institute (LTN) of Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung.
Ila finally found a strong relationship between the ulama (Muslim scholars) in Lampung and the ulama in Java, especially Banten, to initiate the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Lampung.
"Because at that time there was a cleric from Banten who was assigned to spread Islam in Lampung who spread the understanding of Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah (Aswaja) and it is in accordance with Kiai Fadil Amin who was assigned to establish NU in Lampung (at that time Southern Sumatra). Then they collaborated," said Ila.
The establishment of NU in Lampung in the 1930s was also inseparable from the 'mandate' of Hadratus Sheikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari directly to one of his students. According to Ila, to understand the development of NU in the past, as in other regions, it is not like the current branch management which is based on the district.
Initially there were six NU branches in Lampung, namely NU Tanjung Raja, NU Menggala, NU Krui, NU Sukadana, and NU Teluk Betung. Meanwhile, until 1986, there were 15 NU branches in Lampung, even though there were only three regencies and one municipality in Lampung at that time.
Ila also said that the process of writing the book began in 2016. The secretary of PWNU Lampung, H Aryanto Munawar at that time gave the task of writing the history of NU Lampung. Writing a book should not be rushed but in depth and complete.
She said that he included or started with the pattern of government in the Dutch East Indies era at the beginning of the book's writing, because the government system in Indonesia was different. So that readers could understand and reconstruct how NU was able to stand. The profile of Lampung Province in 1964 was also disclosed so that there is a regional history in the book.
In addition to interviews, Ila completed her writing with data in the PBNU Library to find the results of the congress. Data was also added by visiting the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) and the NU museum in Surabaya.
The editor of NU Online Muhammad Syakir Niamilah gave a response that in general the writing of the history of NU Lampung was good. He gave a note, in some parts there were fragments that are cut off. For example, during a meeting of NU figures in Lampung, she did not reveal what it was about. However, he at the same time encouraged improvements to be made in the next writing.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of PWNU Lampung Ariyanto Munawar said the book should be read by NU members, administrators and all parties in regions related to NU Lampung, such as Banten and Jakarta. She hoped that the younger generation would also read the book as part of their service at NU.
The Lecturer at the University of Lampung (Unila) Iwan Satriawan added that the book could be the main book that could become a reference for the next writers willing to write about the history of NU Lampung.
Reporter: Kendi Setiawan
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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