Jakarta, NU Online
Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim visited the headquarters of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Jalan Kramat Raya 164 Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/3/2021).
On that occasion, Nadiem inaugurated and handed over the permits of five Nahdlatul Ulama Institutes of Technology and Science (ITSNU). In addition, Nadiem also provided assistance in the form of Single Tuition Fees (UKT) and Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) for the 2021 Kuliah Merdeka to the Nahdlatul Ulama Colleges (PTNU).
The chairman of PBNU for education affairs, H Hanif Saha Ghofur, said that currently there had been 36 PTNUs spread throughout Indonesia. Currently, he was proposing permits for the establishment of ITSNU in five regions and the Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim has given the permits.
“There are ITSNUs in South Sumatra, Lampung, Padang Sidempuan, Palangkaraya. On behalf of PBNU, we would like to express our appreciation for getting scholarship assistance, both for KIP Tuition and UKT. This is very helpful for all of us. So, God willing, all universities will get it, but hopefully next year it will also increase," Hanif said.
He hoped that the cooperation between PTNU and the Mendikbudristek would continue to be improved in the future. In addition, it could increase the spirit for the rectors within PTNUs to continue to create excellent quality of Indonesian human resources.
Similarly, Nadiem said that the collaborative effort between PTNU and the Mendikbudristek further strengthened efforts to prepare excellent human resources. He fully supported the presence of ITSNUs which he has inaugurated.
"Congratulations. The presence of ITSNU strengthens the role of NU as a social organization that focuses on human resources and focuses on the future. One of the things that impresses is its extraordinary history," he said.
Nadiem said that he had visited the grave of Hadratus Sheikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari while staying at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School (pesantren). He admitted that he was impressed with NU because it has a long history for the formation of this country.
“Well, seeing ITSNUs now means not just looking back. But this is an extraordinary achievement and vision. So congratulations. Today we will also hand over the UKT Tuition Assistance and the KIP Tuition Scholarship," he said.
"This is the government's effort to ensure that our children can continue to study in the midst of this pandemic which is full of challenges and limitations," Nadiem added.
He hoped that the students who receive the assistance could continue to be enthusiastic, learn, and always gain achievements. In fact, Nadiem really hoped that universities in Indonesia, especially PTNUs, could become more independent.
“We want as many of our students' children as possible out of campus, lecturers out of campus to seek knowledge and experience. We want more experts and practitioners to enter the campus and we want the learning materials taught in the classrooms are not just information and materials,” he said.
The delivery of UKT and KIP assistance for the 2021 Kuliah Merdeka and the ITSNU permit were symbolically handed over by minister Nadiem to the General Chairman of PBNU KH Said Aqil Siroj accompanied by the Chairman of the PTNU Rector Forum Prof. Dr. Masykuri Bakri and representatives from PTNU.
Reporter: Aru Lego Triono
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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